Marjan vayghan

Born a war zone baby, in the late 1900s, to Azerbaijani parents in Tehran, Iran, Marjan Khoshbakhti Vayghan emigrated to the United States in the Spring of 1995, settling with her family in Los Angeles, California. Marjan continues to live and exhibit alternatively between Teheran and Los Angeles. Her practice is informed by this context of movement and flexible citizenship across both geographical and cultural spaces, and the multiple realities these spaces engender.





  • BFA, Graduated as “2OO6 Class Marshal,” in Fine Arts: Sculpture/New Genres, from OtisCollege of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA, in 2006.

  • Attended MA/PhD program at UCLA’s World Arts and Culture, Los Angeles, CA, Attended from 2007-2010.

  • Graduated with MA, in World Arts and Culture, from UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, in the Summer of 2010.

  • Proceeded to LATTC for Fashion after the MA/PhD program, I LOVE Fashion Design 2018- ongoing. (I started making all of my own fashions at nine years old, in 1995, when I started teaching Farsi & Fashion on the weekends.)